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EU questions Pakistan’s record of human rights, restrictions on media

The European Union has expressed concerns over forced disappearance, torture and restrictions on media freedom in Pakistan in violation of international treaties, urging Islamabad to implement laws in their true spirit for protection of the economic, social and political rights. The joint monitoring report of Pakistan’s Generalised Scheme of Preference, known as GSP plus, has also raised questions on “pervasive corruption”, and use of anti-corruption rhetoric and legal cases for political purposes. The report, released on Tuesday also underlined that “despite continuous civilian rule since 2008, the military has played an outsize role in politics and the economy” of Pakistan. ❗️#UPDATE EU has released 4️⃣th GSP Report! Report evaluates the implementation of 27 intl core conventions in beneficiary countries,incl 🇵🇰 for sustained benefits. It 📌 points areas where progress is needed. Since award of GSP+🇵🇰’s exports to EU ⬆️ by 108% 🔗 Link to report 👇 — EUPakistan (@EUPakistan) November 21, 2023 The EU block has released the report as part of the monitoring on the implementation of the 27 international conventions that Pakistan has signed and committed to implement for continuous duty-free access to the European markets. “While legislative reforms are significant, important concerns remain, notably on enforced disappearances, on allegations of torture as well as on restrictions of freedom of expression, and media freedom,” states the joint monitoring report. The European Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) have published the joint report on GSP. Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the Generalized Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2020-2022 also mentions the May 9 riots and subsequent trials of civilians in the military courts. The report further stated that while first steps to reduce the scope of the death penalty have been taken, further efforts are needed to align with international standards, namely by introducing a comprehensive revision of the mercy petition procedure. Also, freedom of religion or belief and rights of persons belonging to minorities continue to be regularly violated, despite some efforts regarding interfaith dialogue, according to the report. The EU said that corruption, both political and economic, continues to be perceived as pervasive, and questions are raised on the independence of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). Anti-corruption rhetoric and legal cases are heavily politicised, it added. Read More: EU links GSP Plus status to human rights Restrictions to the civil society space through administrative hurdles, and other pressures on NGOs continue, even if the revised NGO policy of November 2022 foresees accelerated procedures. This report acknowledges Pakistan’s progress on the legislative front while emphasising the need to improve practical application in both letter and spirit. It will be crucial for Pakistan to continue legislative reforms and to implement legislation so that they lead to tangible improvements for all Pakistanis, said the EU. The 27 conventions cover the four areas of human rights, labour rights, environmental standards and good governance for the period 2020 to 2022. The report further highlights areas where more progress is needed. So far, four biennial reviews have been concluded under the current GSP scheme. Pakistan was awarded GSP plus status in January 2014 after the country had ratified 27 international conventions and committed to implement them. The GSP plus incentive grants Pakistan zero-rated or preferential tariffs on nearly 66% of tariff lines, enhancing the country's ability to export to the EU market. From 2014 to 2022, Pakistan’s exports to the EU increased by 108% whereas imports from the EU increased by 65%. The total trade volume increased from 8.3 billion Euros in 2013 to EUR 14.85 billion in 2022. In 2022 Pakistan’s exports to the EU were 59% higher than in 2019, while imports from the EU witnessed an increase by 9% over the same period. The EU Ambassador to Pakistan, Dr Riina Kionka, said that the GSP plus incentive has contributed positively to Pakistani society. Read More: ‘GSP Plus not being adequately utilised’ “It has undeniably increased awareness of human rights at the grassroots level, of labour rights within businesses and export supply chains and of the significance of environmental considerations and good governance,” said Dr Riina. She said that the full potential of the GSP plus benefit can only be realised by diversifying Pakistan's exports to include more value-added products. The report underlined that since 2020, Pakistan has adopted important laws in the field of human rights. However, there are also some developments putting into question the progress achieved, thus causing concerns, it added. Challenges remain with respect to Pakistan’s capacity to uphold and protect the human rights of its citizens, said the EU. The EU said that International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions are often still not effectively implemented and enforced due to limited capacity of labour inspectorates. Child labour and forced labour persist at high levels. Discrimination of women in the labour market, namely limited access to job opportunities and lower wages for equivalent work, continues to be widespread The report has also mentioned May 9 incident and the “street protests with violence against security forces and their installations”. It stated that in the aftermath, many protesters were arrested and taken for trial including at military and anti-terrorism courts. The EU said that in the aftermath of the May 9, 2023 protests, civilians are being tried at military and antiterrorism courts, which “implies a very wide interpretation of the notion of terrorism and gives rise to concerns about compliance with Article 14 of International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, guaranteeing the right to a trial by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal”. According to the UN Human Rights Committee, the “trial of civilians in military or special courts may raise serious problems as far as the equitable, impartial and independent administration of justice is concerned” and that “trials of civilians by military or special courts should be exceptional, i.e. limited to cases where the State party can show that resorting to such trials is necessary and justified by objective and serious reasons, and where … regular civilian courts are unable to undertake the trials.” The Supreme Court of Pakistan has already stopped the military from trialing the civilians in the military courts. Despite lacking a comprehensive policy to counter hate speech domestically, Pakistan has made efforts, in the last years, to position itself internationally as leading on activities to counter hate speech, namely anti-Muslim hatred, according to the report. Media Freedom Despite the legislative progress, the media community reports pressure and harassment limiting journalists’ ability to report. Pakistan continues to rank very low in international comparative rankings on press freedom, 150th out of 180, according to the EU. “Women journalists are particularly targeted. On several occasions, government regulatory agencies blocked cable operators and television channels that aired critical or contentious content”. Several journalists suffered violent attacks and disappeared during the monitoring period, said the EU. Online trolls target those expressing criticism of the civilian leadership or the military. “Journalists report that self-censorship is becoming a survival strategy for many”. Besides the restrictions on media freedom, political activists, human rights defenders, and even elected representatives continue to see their freedom of expression limited through administrative, legal, and other measures, said the EU. Vague concepts and the lack of adequate safeguards in relevant laws, in particular the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act of 2016, allow for stifling of critical and opposition voices, said the EU. Enforced disappearances continue and so does the impunity for the perpetrators. The Commission on Forced Disappearances indicated that it had received 1,875 new cases and that it closed 1,814 cases in 2020-2021. However, the Commission has been criticised, including by the Islamabad High Court in June 2022, for not fulfilling its duties and not prosecuting anyone responsible for enforced disappearances.

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